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著名人と会話シリーズ。 あなたとマリリンモンローが会話(日本語・英語)。
マリリン モンロー
I can now laugh all off. It's all make believe just as I'd thought.
If I'm a star, then the people made me a star.
I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.
Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered.
A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night.
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.
An actress is not a machine, but they treat you like a machine. A money machine.
Chat with Our MarilynMarilyn'll interactively respond to your questions and discuss her life and career. Her voice is synthesized, but her words are hers. Enjoy talking to her.
Enjoy talking to her
Yes. Many do. But, dreaming about being an actress, is more exciting than being one.
The trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn't any.
It's not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.
I've never dropped anyone I believed in.
I don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one.
I am involved in a freedom ride protesting the loss of the minority rights belonging to the remaining earthbound stars.
Dogs never bite me. Just humans.
I restore myself when I'm alone.
Fame will go by and, so long, I've had you, fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle. So at least it's something I experience, but that's not where I live.
私たち皆死んじょうのね。知っていると事をみんなで教え合っていないでしょう? We're all dying aren't we. We're not teaching each other what we really know, are we?
We're all dying aren't we. We're not teaching each other what we really know, are we?
一人ぼっちになるなら、私でいたい。 If I'm going to be alone, I want to be myself.
If I'm going to be alone, I want to be myself.
それで死んじゃったのじゃない。 Maybe that's what killed her.
Maybe that's what killed her.
殺し屋、盗人、嘘つき! 嘘ばっかり。誰かが死ぬのが楽しそうね。いっその事、自分を殺して楽しんだら。貴方達と楽園の国。自由奔放。本当に、あなた方三人は愉快なおバカさんども。 Killers! Murders! You liars! All of you liars! You're only happy when you can see something die! Why don't you kil yourself to be happy! You and your God's country! Freedom! I am not kidding you, you're three sweet damned men!
Killers! Murders! You liars! All of you liars! You're only happy when you can see something die! Why don't you kil yourself to be happy! You and your God's country! Freedom! I am not kidding you, you're three sweet damned men!
帰る道はどっちかしら。 Which way is home?
Which way is home?
この暗闇で、どうやって帰る道がわかるの? How do you find your way back in the dark?
How do you find your way back in the dark?
町外れまで行ったことあるけど、あそこには何も在りそうになかったわ。 Once I walked to the edge of town; Doesn't look like there's much out there.
Once I walked to the edge of town; Doesn't look like there's much out there.
おなたのお仕事は? Well, what do you do with yourself?
Well, what do you do with yourself?
わからない。次に何かがあるからだけかも。それから起きる事が。誰の約束も思い出さない方がいいのよ、きっと。 I don't know. Maybe all there really is is just the next thing. The next thing that happens. Maybe you're not supposed to remember anybody's promises.
I don't know. Maybe all there really is is just the next thing. The next thing that happens. Maybe you're not supposed to remember anybody's promises.
「全ての事象は理由があって初めて起きます。人も変ってしまいます、だから忘れる事を学べるのです。嘘を信じてしまう、だから、いつかあなた自身だけが信用できると学ぶのです。物事は思い通りに行かない、だから上手く行った時は感謝できるのです。良い事も度々壊れてしまう、だからより素晴らしい事が生まれられる。」 マリリンモンロー
マリリンモンロー(Marilyn Monroe) 女優 モデル 歌手 誕生 1926年6月1日 死没 1962年8月5日(満36歳没) 出生地 アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス 身長166.4cm 体重53.5kg B94 W61 H86 本名 ノーマ・ジーン・モーテンセン 代表作に『紳士は金髪がお好き』『バス停留所』『お熱いのがお好き』『七年目の浮気』『荒馬と女』などがある。 (Wikipedia)
マリリン モンロー最後のインタービュー 9分21秒 内容は英語。Youtubeの映像で、リンクがいつまで維持されるのか分かりません。
ジャック・レモン/トニー・カーティスの絶妙なコンビネーションによるハリウッド屈指の傑作コメディ。禁酒法時代のシカゴでマフィアに追われる二人はバンドの女性歌手シュガー(マリリン・モンロー)に一目ぼれ。だがマフィアの抗争に巻き込まれてしまい……? レモン、カーティスの女装も話題を呼び、アカデミー賞(衣装デザイン)を獲得。マリリンの歌声もたっぷり聞ける1本!
あの女の歩き方見ろよ。・・・スプリング・マットレスに乗ったジェローのよう。・・・まるで別の生き物のような。やっぱ、女は違うよな。 Look how she moves... It's like Jello on springs... Must have some sort of built-in motor. I tell you, it's a whole different sex!
Look how she moves... It's like Jello on springs... Must have some sort of built-in motor. I tell you, it's a whole different sex!
それが俺の人生の物語なんだ。いつも棒飴の逆さの端を舐めることになる。 It's the story of my life. I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop..
It's the story of my life. I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop..
あんた男じゃない。女じゃないのに、男が男と結婚したいの? You're not a girl! You're a guy! Why would a guy wanna marry a guy? I'm a man..
You're not a girl! You're a guy! Why would a guy wanna marry a guy? I'm a man..
俺の家は音楽家一家なんだ。母はピアノの先生で、父は指揮者なの。 I come from this musical family. My mother was a piano teacher and my father was a conductor.
I come from this musical family. My mother was a piano teacher and my father was a conductor.
眼鏡をする男はおとなしくて、優しくて、かわいい。 Men who were glasses are so much more gentle, sweet and helpless.
Men who were glasses are so much more gentle, sweet and helpless.
周りからじろじろ見られている気がする。・・・こんな足をしているから。うそでしょう? I feel like everyone is staring at me. With those legs, are you kidding?
I feel like everyone is staring at me. With those legs, are you kidding?
あなたが(実は)女だと言い張るのね? Keep telling yourself your a girl..
Keep telling yourself your a girl..
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