
アリスの英会話 >恋愛 英語 >恋の詩

"YOU are never far from my thoughts"  離れていても、心はいつも二人

恋のポエム・歌 英語

Pablo Neruda

by Pablo Neruda

Love Sonnet

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you simply, without problems or pride:
I love you in this way
because I do not know any other way of loving but this,
in which there is no I or you,
so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.”
愛してるよ、どのように、いつ や 何処からなんて 分からんけど。
粋に愛している、 課題とか誇りなどに関係なく。

"if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.”

“I no longer love her, that's certain, 俺は、彼女をもう愛していない、確かだよ。
but maybe I love her. まてよ、まだ愛してるかも。
Love is so short, 愛の命はめっちゃ短いし、
forgetting is so long. 忘れのは時間がかかるんだ。”

Poor Fellows かわいそうな彼

"What is takes, on this plannet, この惑星じゃ、どうなってんだい
to make love to each other in peace: お互いベッドで平和に愛し合うだけなのに。
everyone pries under your sheets, 誰もかれもシートの中を覗き込みたがる
everyone interferes with your loving. 誰もかれもあなたの愛をじゃましてくる。

They say terrible things ひどい事も言われる
about a man and a woman 男と女が
who, after much milling about, うろちょろときめいた後
all sorts of compunctions,  何かをしようものなら
do something unique - 罪深さを知れと
they both lie with each other in one bed. 人はやらないベッドでお互いの腕の中で寝ようとするものなら

I ask myself whether frogs 自問してみる
are so furtive, or sneeze as they please, カエルはこそこそしてするのか、 または堂々とくしゃみするのか
whether they whisper to each other in ひそひそ囁い合うのか
swamps about illegitimate frogs 沼で私生子カエルについて
or the joys of amphibious living. それとも、水陸両生の生活を満喫してるのだろうか
I ask myself if birds 自問してみる
single out enemy birds 小鳥は鳥を敵視するのか
or bulls gossip with bullocks before  オス牛は去勢牛とぐちゃぐちゃと話すのか
they go out in public with cows. メス牛と公衆に姿を現す前に

Even the roads have eyes, 道にさえ目がついている
and the parks their polices, 公園には規則が
hotels spy on their guests, ホテルは宿泊客を監視し
windows name names, 窓から見られれば名前が
cannons and squadrons debark 大砲と部隊が上陸して来る
on missions to liquidate love - 恋を壊滅せよと
all those ears and those jaws それやこれやの耳と口
working incessantly, 絶え間なく活躍している。
till a man and his girl 男の子と女な子は
have to race to thier climax せかせかとクライマックスへと登る
full-tilt on a bicycle. 自転車の上の全力で ”


Cedric Nixon

by Cedric Nixon

What You Did That Day 記憶のあの日

The day  その日、あなたは
You looked into my eyes, 私の瞳をのぞき
And saw my soul. 魂に触れた。
Touched my chest 私の心を震わせて
And reached into my heart. ハートを奪ってしまった
. . .

By My Side 側(そば)

By my side... 私の側に
Walking with me... 連れ立って歩き、
Sitting with me... 並んで腰掛けて、
Just your company is enough. 側にいてくれるだけで幸せ

Solong ... Just Hoping 想い
. . .
Wondering what (今日も)貴方は何を
You speak of. 話してたのか。
What people  その目、 誰
Have You embraced? 見つめていたのだろう。

Thoughts suggest jealousy. 想うだけで嫉妬。
Knowing You touched hearts of  私でもない
Someone else but me. 女性の瞳を輝かせたのだろうか
. . .

If I...

If I cause pain, もし貴女を辛くさせるなら、
To stain your heart, 心の重荷になるなら、
Then I accept the blame, わびるよ、
All the same. やっぱり。

If I lack better judgment, もし私に良識が欠けているのなら、
The I accept the punishment, 罰は喜んで受けよう、
For hurting you. 貴女に辛く思わせたのだから。

. . .

I Feel Loved

To You,
I stand close.
Smelling scents
That soothes soul.

Your breathe
Breezes ears
As soft whispers,
And I listen.

Feel wanted...
Feel needed...

. . .


Cetina 他

Clear, serene eyes

Clear, serene eyes
since you're praised for the sweetness in your gaze,
why look enraged when you look unto my face?

Since the more you're merciful
the lovelier you appear to the beholder,
don't look upon me with anger
That you may not seem less beautiful.

Oh, you raging torments!
Clear, serene eyes,
since you must look at me that way, at least look!
-- Gutierre de Cetina

Stay, elusive shade of my beloved

Stay, elusive shade of my beloved,
lovely illusion for whom I die so gladly,
sweet fiction for whom I live so sadly,
image of the enchantment I love the best.

With the obedience of steel, my heart
follows the magnet of your attractions;
why then must you lure me with solicitations,
only to mock me, vanish, depart?

Yet you cannot proclaim with satisfaction
that your tyranny triumphs over my pain,
for though you evade the narrow noose

of breast and arms, engirdling your fantasy frame,
yet this escape does not much avail you
while you're imprisoned in my imagination.
-- Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz


Well then! I need
to tell you I adore you,
tell you that I love you
with all my heart;
that I suffer a lot,
that I weep a lot,
that I can't take it anymore,
and with this cry I implore
and beg you, in the name
of my very last hope.

I want you know
that it's been days now,
that I'm ill and pale
with lack of sleep;
that all my hopes
have died,
that my nights are bleak,
so bleak and somber,
I know no longer
where the future used to be.
-- Manuel Acuna


unknown author

If I could have all the time in the world,
I know what I would do:
I’d spend the time
In pleasure sublime,
Just by being with you.

You in my life
Will live eternally
I knew the first night we met
You were meant for me.

Time after time
I try to forget
the day we kissed
& the day we met I can’t handle
Thinking of u
because I thought
our love was true

"A true love letter contains personal revelations,
the desire to know the other's feelings,
past events, future engagements,
and the desire to be together. "

Gary Nock

Gary Nock's Lyrics

Lately i feel like, 最近分っている、
i'm waiting on your word. あなたの言葉に一筋の望をかけ続けている私。
Waiting for the clock to turn and my heart to stop. 時が刻み、鼓動が止まるのを待っている私。
You don't wanna love me, あなたは私をもう愛したくないんでしょう、
i'll only let you down, いつも期待をうらぎるから、
but tell me if you change your mind. でも、心変わりしたら、教えてね。

Now i don't really wanna be there, 今、あなたの側に居たくない、
if you walk away, あなたが遠くへ行ってしまうから、
don't tell me that your minds made up now, あなたの決心など知りたくない、
there nothing else to say, もう言葉もでない、
i don't wanna scream out but you can read my mind, 叫びもしない、だけど察っせるでしょう、
now tell me do you feel alive.... 教えて、まだせいせいしていますか?

Cause my heart beats so quickly, あなたが側に居るだけで、
whenever you're around and i lose myself easy,私の胸が高ぶり、自分を見失う、
your kiss is my weakness and your love grows deeper, あなたのキスに夢中になり、より深い愛が芽生える、
leaving me chasing time, 時に慌ててる私、
so tell me if you feel alive....やっぱりせいせいしていますか?

You're the last thing that i think about, 眠りへの
when i close my eyes and  最後の想いはあなた、
when i rise up with the morning sun, 目覚めの、
you're the first thing on my mind, 最初の想いもあなた、
but you don't wanna love me, でも私を愛したくないんでしょう、
i'll only let you down, いつも期待をうらぎるから、
tell me if you change your mind....心変わりしたら、教えてね。

Cause my heart beats so quickly,、あなたが側に居るだけで、
whenever you're around and i lose myself easy, 私の胸が高ぶり、 自分を見失う、
your kiss is my weakness and your love grows deeper, あなたのキスに夢中になり、より深い愛が芽生える、
leaving me chasing time, 時に慌ててる私、
tell me do you feel alive...せいせいしていますか?

I don't wanna beg, 泣き崩れるのも耐えられない、ずるも耐えられない、
i don't wanna steal and i don't wanna taste this bitter defeat, この辛い焦心も耐えられない、
i don't wanna hide, 隠れるのも耐えられない、
i don't wanna run and i don't wanna face this world alone... 逃るのも耐えられない、この世を自分だけで抱え込むのも耐えられない、
Oh no...ああ もういや


ジョン・デンバー(John Denver、1943年12月31日 – 1997年10月12日)は、アメリカ合衆国のシンガーソングライター。本名はヘンリー・ジョン・デュッチェンドルフ・ジュニア (wikipedia)

Perhaps Love 愛だろうな by John Denver

Perhaps love is like a resting place, a shelter from the storm 愛とは心の休める所みたいなものだろう、嵐から守ってくれる。
It exists to give you comfort, it is there to keep you warm あなたの心が安らぎ、暖かく抱擁し保護してくれる所。
And in those times of trouble when you are most alone 嵐の中でまさに一人ぼっちの時
The memory of love will bring you home 愛の記憶が家に呼び寄せる

Perhaps love is like a window, perhaps an open door 愛とは窓みたいなものだろう、開放されたドアみたいなものだろう。
It invites you to come closer, it wants to show you more あなたを招き、話しかけてくる。
And even if you lose yourself and don't know what to do 自分を見失い、さまよってても
The memory of love will see you through 愛の記憶がたどりつかせてくれる。

Love to some is like a cloud, to some as strong as steel 愛はある人には、雲のようであり、ある人には鉄のように屈強
For some a way of living, for some a way to feel それは生き方であり、感じ方である。
And some say love is holding on and some say letting go ある人は愛はしがみ付いていくものである、ある人は手放すものであると言う。
And some say love is everything, and some say they don't know 曰く 愛は全てであり、そしてある人は理解難しと

Perhaps love is like the ocean, full of conflict, full of pain 愛とは海のようなものかも知れない、矛盾に満ち、苦痛に満ちる。
Like a fire when it's cold outside, thunder when it rains 外気がいてつく時の焚き火であり、夕立の雷。
If I should live forever, and all my dreams come true もし永遠に生きて、そして全ての夢が実現するなら、
My memories of love will be of you  私の愛の記憶はきっとあなたになるであろう。

Follow Me 付いて来て by John Denver

It's by far the hardest thing I've ever done, to be so in love with you and so alone. 俺がした事で、飛びぬけて難しい事さ、君に恋をすること、そしてそのとても寂しい思い。
Follow me where I go, what I do and who I know, make it part of you to be a part of me. 俺の行く所に付いて来てくれ、俺のする事や俺の人々、俺と分かち合う為に君の一部にもしてくれ。
Follow me up and down, all the way and all around, take my hand and say you'll follow me. 上へも下へも付いて来てくれ、どこまでもどこにでも、俺の手を握り付いて来ると約束してくれ。

It's long been on my mind, you know, it's been a long, long time. ずっと俺の心に、知ってるだろう、長い長い間なんだ。
I'll try to find the way that I can make you understand 君にも分かってもらえる様な道を見つけようと思っている
the way I feel about you and just how much I need you 俺がどの様に君を想いそしてどんなに君が必要なのか、
to be there where I can talk to you when there's no one else around. 話せて、周りに他人がいない所に居てくれ、
Follow me where I go, what I do and who I know, make it part of you to be a part of me. 俺の行く所に付いて来てくれ、俺のする事や俺の人々、俺と分かち合う為に君の一部にもしてくれ。
Follow me up and down, all the way and all around, take my hand and say you'll follow me. 上へも下へも付いて来てくれ、どこまでもどこにでも、俺の手を握り付いて来ると約束してくれ。

You see, I'd like to share my life with you and show you things I've seen, そうなんだ、俺の生活を君と分かち合いたい、俺が見て来た事も君に見せるから、
places that I'm going to and places where I've been. 俺が行こうとしている所、俺が行った所。
To have you there beside me and never be alone, どこでも俺の傍に、一人ぼっちにさせないでくれ、
and all the time that you're with me, then we will be at home. いつでも君と一緒、そうできたら俺たちは安住

Follow me where I go, what I do and who I know, make it part of you to be a part of me. 俺の行く所に付いて来てくれ、俺のする事や俺の人々、俺と分かち合う為に君の一部にもしてくれ。
Follow me up and down, all the way and all around, take my hand and I will follow you.  上へも下へも付いて来てくれ、どこまでもどこにでも、俺の手を握ってくれ、俺は君に付いて行くよ。

Fly Away 飛んで行きたい by John Denver

All of her days have gone soft and cloudy 彼女の想いではおぼろに霞み
All of her dreams have gone dry 彼女の夢は枯れ消え
All of her nights have gone sad and shady 夜は悲しみの帳(とばり)に包まれいらだつ
She's getting ready to fly 彼女は飛んで行く決心をし始めた

Fly away 飛びだそう
Fly away 飛びだそう
(Fly away)

Life in the city can make you crazy 都市の生活は渇望させる
For sounds of the sand and the sea 浜辺の波と砂の音
(I'm of the sea) (私は海の人)
Life in a high rise can make you hungry 高層ビルの生活は飢させる
For things that you can't even see 目に見えない何かを

Fly away 飛びだそう
Fly away 飛びだそう
(Fly away)

In this whole world there's nobody as lonely as she この世に彼女ほど孤独な人はいない
(Nobody as lonely as me) (私ほど孤独な人はいない)
There's nowhere to go and there's nowhere that she'd rather be 彼女には行ける所も、行って見たい所も分からない

She's looking for lovers and children playing 彼女は愛する人や無邪気に遊ぶ子どもを欲す
She's looking for signs of the spring 春の到来の徴候を探し求めて
(Where is the spring?) (春は何処にいるの?)
She listens for laughter and sounds of dancing 彼女は笑いとダンスの音影を求め
She listens for any old things 何でも古いものに聞き耳を立てる

Fly away
Fly away
(Fly away)
(Fly away)

In this whole world there's nobody as lonely as she この世に彼女ほど孤独な人はいない
(There's nobody as lonely as me) (私ほど孤独な人はいない)
There's nowhere to go and there's nowhere that she'd rather be 彼女には行ける所も、行って見たい所も分からない

All of her days have gone soft and cloudy 彼女の想いではおぼろに霞み
All of her dreams have gone dry 彼女の夢は枯れ消え
(Where are my days?) (私の光はどこ?)
All of her nights have gone sad and shady 夜は悲しみの帳に包まれいらだつ
She's getting ready to fly 彼女は飛んで行く決意をし始めた

Fly away
Fly away
Fly away
(Fly away)

Where are my days? 私の光はどこに?
Where are my nights? 私の夜はどこに?
Where is the springtime? 私の春るはどこに居るの?
I wanna fly, I wanna fly, I wanna fly 飛んで行きたい、飛んで行きたい、飛んで行きたい

グレン キャンベル

By the Time I Get to Phoenix - Jimmy Webb (歌手 Glen Campbell)

By the time I get to Phoenix she'll be rising 僕がフィッニックスに着くころ、 彼女は起きてくる
She'll find the note I left hangin' on her door そして、 ドアに貼ったメモ書きを読むだろう
She'll laugh when she reads the part that says I'm leavin' 別れの下りになると 思わず吹き出す
'Cause I've left that girl so many times before なぜなら、彼女に何度同じことを書き残しただろうか。

By the time I make Albuquerque she'll be workin' アルバカーキに着くころ 彼女は働きに出ている
She'll probably stop at lunch and give me a call 昼には仕事を終え、笑って電話をしてくるだろう
But she'll just hear that phone keep on ringin' だが彼女が聞くのは鳴り続けるベルの音
Off the wall... that's all 部屋に響くのはベルの音、それだけ。

By the time I make Oklahoma she'll be sleepin' オクラホマに着くころ 彼女はもう寝ているだろう
She'll turn softly and call my name out low ゆっくり寝返り、 優しく僕の名前をつぶやく
And she'll cry just to think I'd really leave her そして、僕が本当に行ってしまうなんてと、涙を流すだろう。
Tho' time and time I've tried to tell her so 何度となく彼女に伝えようとしたんだよ
She just didn't know 本当になるなんて、
I would really go 彼女は信じたくなかったのさ。

Honey Come Back - Jimmy Webb (歌手 Glen Campbell)

Well honey I know I've said it many times before I said I'd never say it again
I guess I shouldn't say anything at all since you're supposed to belong to him
But I just can't let you go but I'm tellin' you just how much I love you

So that is why I'm gonna say it one more time
Honey come back I just can't stand each lonely day's a little bit longer
And the last time I held you seems like a hundred years ago
Back to his arms and never know the joy of love that used to taste like
Honey come back where you belong to only me

Well I guess that's about all I gotta say
So I'm just gonna pack my bags and I'm gonna walk
I know those bright lights're callin' you honey big fine cars and fancy clothes
But if you ever want someone to just love you and some day you just may

Just give me a call you know where I am and here's what I'll say
Honey come back...
Honey come back where you belong to only me
Honey come back where you belong to only me


Thank you for coming in my life 寂しさと絶望の淵でさまよっている時、
when I was lonely and shattered. お会いできて感謝の念に絶えません。
Thank you for supporting me 身の回りの人々にさえ見捨てられ、
when I was abandoned by my own people 頼れる人が誰もいなかった時、
and there was no one to look up to. わたしを捕まえていてくれて有難う。
Thank you for understanding me 誰も私に耳をかそうとしなかった時、
when no one was even willing to listen to me. 私を理解してくれて有難う。
Thank you for accepting me あるがままの私を
just for what I am and just the way I am. 受け入れてくれて有難う。
You loved me and supported me わたしがもっとも必要としていた時、
when I needed it the most. わたしを愛し、支えてくれました。

I want to possess your heart and your love.
Sometimes it seems as if I can't get close enough to you.
I want to devour you and keep you inside me always.
I want you all

I boasted the blonde, platinum, brunette, chestnut, brown, and red head
wonderful trophies.
Woke up this morning and came to realize
I should have had focused on just you.
I'm devastated to know now you're someone's.

Don't know what's coming tomorrow 明日は何が待ち構えているのだろう?
Maybe it's trouble and sorrow 困難か、悲しみかもしれない
But we'll travel the road しかし、一緒に歩もう、
Sharing our load side by side 手に手を携えて。


Evening Falls  夜の帳(とばり)- Enya Lyrics

When the evening falls 夜の帳が下り、
And the daylight is fading 夕日が去って行く時、
From within me calls 内なる声がつぶやく、
Could it be I am sleeping? 眠りに落ちているのか?
For a moment I stray その時一瞬宇宙にさまよう、
Then it holds me completely そして強く引き戻されて、
Close to home, I cannot say 家に、家なのか分からない、
Close to home, feeling so far away ずっと遠く感じられる。

As I walk the room 部屋内を歩けば
There before me a shadow 眼前に引く影、
From another world 私だけが
Where no other can follow 渡れる世界から。
Carry me to my own 私の世界に
To where I can cross over, 連れ戻して
Close to home, I cannot say 家に、家なのか分からない、
Close to home, feeling so far away ずっと遠く感じられる。

Forever searching, never right 永遠に求めて、終わらない
I am lost in oceans of night 夕暮れの闇にさまよって
Forever hoping I can find memories 未来に残した
Those memories I left behind 足跡を永遠に求めて

Even though I leave この世を去る時
Will I go on believing 信じ続けられるだろうか
That this time is real ここは現実だったのか
Am I lost in this feeling? 寂しさに包みこまれて
Like a child passing through 子供の時が過ぎていくように
Never knowing the reason 理由なんて気にも留めない
I am home, I know the way 家、家に戻る軌跡、
I am home, feeling oh, so far away 忍び寄る帳、ずっと遠い未来

If I Could Be Where You Are  あなたにたどり着けたら - written by Roma Ryan, (歌手 Enya)

Where are you this moment どこに今あなたは
Only in my dreams 私の夢の中だけに。
You're missing, but you're always あなたはいない、
a heartbeat from me. でも私の鼓動といつも共に。

I'm lost now without you. あなたは去り、私は途方に暮れる
I don't know where you are. どこに居るの、 教えて。
I keep watching, I keep hoping, 探し求めて、望み待ち続けて、
but time keeps us apart. 離れたまま時が過ぎてゆく。

Is there a way I can find you? あなたを探す方法は?
Is there a sign I should know? 残してくれたの道標(みちしるべ)は?
Is there a road I could follow, あなたにたどり着き、
to bring you back home? 連れ戻す道はどこなの?

Winter lies before me, 冬じたく、
Now you're so far away 未だあなたは遠くに
In the darkness of my dreaming 私の夢の光も届かない
The light of you will stay 所にあなたは居る。

If I could be close beside you, あなたの側に行けたら、
If I could be where you are, あなたの居る所を知ってたら、
If I could reach out and touch you, もし手であなたに触れられたら、
And bring you back home. あなたを連れ戻すことが...


"Stars And Midnight Blue"  暗い夜空に輝く星 - Enya Lyrics

Memories we share together 二人で分かち合う記憶
Moments no one else can know 誰も知りえない二人の時間
I will keep them close to me 私は大切に
Never let them go 胸の奥にしまって

Once you filled my hands with roses ある日、貴方は私にバラを持たせて
Then you gave your heart to me 胸の内を打明け
When a kiss had followed this 優しいキスは
Love was meant to be 愛を物語った

Time goes by 時が経ち、
And the snow is drifting 雪が物静かに
Slowly in the sky 空から舞い降りる
Cold, cold night 寒い寒い夜

As you lie beside me 貴方は私の側に横たわり
I can hear your heartbeat 力強い鼓動が響く

You have lost yourself in dreaming 貴方は夢の中に、
I have lost myself in you 私は貴方の記憶に漂う
Now we lie beneath the sky 今、わたしたちは
Stars and midnight blue 暗い夜空の輝く星の下に寝そべる

"Only Time"  時(とき)のみ知る - Enya Lyrics

Who can say where the road goes  誰が言えるの、この道はどこに連れて行くのか、
Where the day flows, only time その日はどこで終わるのか、時のみぞ知る。
And who can say if your love grows 誰が言えるの、あなたの恋が育つのか、
As your heart chose, only time ハートが告げるように、時のみぞ知る。

Who can say why your heart sighs 誰が言えるの、なぜハートがため息なの、
As your love flies, only time 愛が散るにつれて、時のみぞ知る。
And who can say why your heart cries 誰が言えるの、なぜハートが叫ぶのか、
When your love lies, only time 愛する人に裏切られて、時のみぞ知る。

Who can say when the roads meet 誰が言えるの、旅路が交差する時、
That love might be in your heart  ハートに愛が芽生えるのか。
And who can say when the day sleeps 誰が言えるの、日が暮れる時、
If the night keeps all your heart 闇がハートの全てを包んでくれるのか、
Night keeps all your heart 闇がハートの全てを包んでくれるのか。

Who can say if your love grows 誰が言えるの、あなたの恋が育つのか、
As your heart chose, only time ハートが告げるように、時のみぞ知る。
And who can say where the road goes 誰が言えるの、この道はどこに連れて行くのか、
Where the day flows, only time その日はどこで終わるのか、時のみぞ知る。

Who knows? Only time 誰にも分からない、時のみぞ知る

Demi Lovato

Give Your Heart A Break 安心してくれ

The day I first met you 出会ったその日、
You told me you'd never fall in love 絶対恋なんかしないわと、貴女
But now that I get you でも、貴女は今、私の腕の内
I know fear is what it really was それは、恐れ以外の何物でもなかったんだよ

Now here we are, ここまでたどり着いたろ
So close yet so far. 近くて遠かった
Haven't I passed the test? まだ納得できない?
When will you realize, いつになったら、安心してくれる
Baby, I'm not like the rest? 私が他の人の様じゃないって?

Don't wanna break your heart 貴女を悲しませたくない
Wanna give your heart a break 心を安らがせてあげたい。
I know you're scared it's wrong 怯えているだろう、でもそれは誤解
Like you might make a mistake いつかどじるんじゃないかと。
There's just one life to live 人生は一度だけなんだ
And there's no time to wait, to waste だから、 待ってる時間なんてない
So let me give your heart a break, your heart a break 受け入れろよ、貴女の心を安心させたい、解放したいだけだ。
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break
Oh yeah, yeah .....


"Something" - Beatles
Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now, it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Frederick Perls

I do my thing and you do yours.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.
Frederick Perls


"Trusting Hurts" 信じるのが怖い

When you have a good heart: 優しい心
You help too much. 親切で
You trust too much. 信じやすく
You give too much.  気前もよく
You love too much.  愛を捧げる
And it always seems you hurt the most. なぜなのか、いつも辛く傷つくのは私

Every time I start to trust.. 人を信じ始めると
They end up hurting me. いつも傷ついて終わるく

I'm a good enough person to forgive you, 私はいい人だから貴方を許してあげる、
but not stupid enough to trust you.でもね、信用するほどバカじゃないよ。

Silence is a loudest girl's cry.
You can always tell
she's really hurt
when she starts ignoring you.

I don't miss him,
I miss who
I thought he was.

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